Raila Odinga's eldest daughter Rosemary Odinga on Thursday made a rare appearance at Ken Okoth's memorial service at Moi Girls Kibra.

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Ms Odinga, has been off the public limelight since suffering blindness in 2017, a move that saw her pulling out of Kibra constituency race, where she was to face Mr Okoth in nominations.

In a video making rounds on social media, Ms Odinga is seen making to the tent unaided, an indication that she is in the right path to recovery.

Mr Okoth succumbed to cancer last Friday and is set to be interred on Saturday, even though the court stopped planned cremation. Ken Okoth's paternal relatives wants him buried in Rangwe.

In what could have caused a rift between Okoth and opposition leader Raila Odinga, Ms Odinga has declared interest in the seat, causing jitters.

But after being brought down by the disease, Rosemary was taken to South Africa for further treatment. Since then, she has kept off politics.

Early this year, Rosemary's uncle Dr Oburu Oginga, said that Ms Odinga was in the right path to recovery. He revealed during Jaramogi Oginga Odinga memorial.

"As you know Rosemary was sick but we thank God she has now recovered fully," said Dr Oginga.

He added: "She is a true Odinga and a fighter. This is evident in the spirit she has fought this illness with."

Dr Oginga described Rosemary as a brave woman whose individual strength helped her recover well when she was ailing and at her lowest.

Her mother Ida said: Last year, we missed this annual church service because it was that day that Rosemary underwent a major surgery in China. But it is through your (congregants) prayers that she was healed.