Residents of Illasit in Loitoktok have asked the police in the area to step up their night patrols as a group of thieves have started terrorising them.

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They said the group force broke residents to borrow money from money lending apps in their phones before transferring it to their accounts.

Daniel Kiharo,chairman of Nyumba Kumi in the area confirmed the incident saying the group wakes up to roam around the village in the village waking up people and those who have nothing to offer are forced to borrow money in their phones.

"They are waking you from your bedroom, and if you do not have any money, they take your phone and apply for loans from mobile lenders,” Kiharo noted.

He said the thieves also take other valuables things like households items and clothes after robbing your money.

The angry residents further said the group has also been timing when they are away before breaking into their houses looting everything on their way.

“Insecurity is really an issue here, these thieves breaking into homes and stealing everything when we are away toiling, "one of the residents stated.

They said the group might be using drugs on them before executing their heinous act.

Up to now the police have arrested two persons in connection with the act.