It has been revealed that Amani National Congress (ANC) leader Musalia Mudavadi and Ford Kenya leader Moses Wetangula attended the Bukhungu Stadium Building Bridges Initiative (BBI) after receiving a call from President Uhuru Kenyatta.

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According to a report by the Sunday Nation, the head of state was deeply concerned that the absence of the two Western Kenya leaders would send the wrong signal.

The call by the president to Mudavadi was confirmed by Sabatia Member of Parliament Alfred Agoi, a close ally of the ANC leader.

Agoi claimed that the call was just one of the phone conversations that the president has with his party leader.

“It is not strange or unusual for the Head of State to call my party leader and engage in a conversation. They always talk and the latest conversation about attending the Bukhungu meeting should not be an exception,” Agoi said.

According to an anonymous source who spoke to the Sunday Nation in confidence, the head of state expressed concerns about the ANC and Ford Kenya leaders being left out of the Bukhungu meeting.

Musalia and Wetangula had confirmed on Friday that they would not attend the much-hyped meeting only to show up on Saturday to the amazement of the attendees.