Partners in relationships are supposed to help each other. 

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However, when one partner burdens the other with their problems, that automatically goes against the dating rules. As much as you care about each other, there are some things that you should never do for your partner.

Here are three things you shouldn’t do just because you are his girlfriend.

1. Carry his drama

Is your man the type of guy who likes causing drama wherever he goes leaving you to fix his mess? Well, if this is his habit, you don’t have to keep fixing his problems. He is an adult and should learn to take responsibility for his actions.

2. Be available all day every day

Dating someone doesn’t mean that you should be by their side all the time. You also have personal goals to chase. You should never abandon the things that matter to you in order to be around your man every minute.

3. Tell him what he wants to hear

Sometimes you might be so deep in love that you don’t want to hurt your man. However, when it comes to being open with him whenever he does something wrong, you should not hide the truth by telling him what he wants to hear. Be frank with him and correct him in a polite and mature manner.