When you are away from your lover, you find yourself needing their presence. In such a circumstance, you may be anxious, bored, or the absence can make you angry.
It turns out that there are changes in your body that make you miss your significant other.
Some of these changes are;
Craving the feel-good state
Falling in love is similar to cocaine addiction. Your body produces feel-good hormones such as oxytocin and serotonin. These hormones make you feel as though you are high. When you are away from your significant other, your body craves the feel-good state that your partner makes you experience. As such, there’s a withdrawal of the feel-good hormones, which make you feel low and need your significant other’s company.
The desire for security
For some, missing their significant other is a result of a feeling of insecurity. They desire the presence of their partners to function normally. One cannot discount the fact that some miss their significant others out of fear that they are with another partner. The desire for owning that person and making them theirs alone results in the withdrawal of feel good hormones.
There are those partners whose presence often feel like a party. With them around, it's parte after parte – not the one popular in Kenyan circles – and laughter after laughter. As a result, when they depart, you miss them because you want to reconnect with them and have the same life you did before.