Ever wondered why you are sweating profusely during the nights? This is among the serious health conditions that is a major cause of concern and you should pay attention to it. 

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Night sweats occur when the body is overheated and this may be due to a number of health reasons. In some people, they occur spontaneously which is not a big deal while some experience it due to various health reasons

They are symptoms of various scourges ranging from diabetes, menopause, pregnancy, chronic fatigue syndrome, cancer,excessive alcohol consumption including HIV infection

It might not be easy to know whether or not you are suffering from HIV/AIDS since the sign correlates with many infections. 

Night sweats are also signs of HIV infection as explained by Richard N. Fogoros, MD, a former professor of medicine, and a longtime practitioner, researcher and author in the fields of cardiology and cardiac electrocardiography

From a biological stance, after the virus has gained entry into your body system, it tends to multiply and proliferate rapidly. Antibodies are produced by the immune system to fight off the virus. 

This stage is known as seroconversion and this is what causes night sweats. In majority of the infected people, this period may last up to three weeks.

 If it is HIV infection, the sign (nights sweats) should be accompanied with other symptoms like fever, diarrhea or weight loss. You will need a HIV test to confirm whether you are positive or negative.