Do you have that one pretty lady who you are interested in? This article is here to save you.
When it comes to making a pretty woman notice you, it doesn't take much, but it needs some fine level of confidence.
Here are three ways to make a woman notice you.
1. Use proper body language
This is called "the first impression". There's no doubt about it, your body language can be more important than the words you intend to speak to her. You will destroy the chances of impressing that woman by expressing nervousness, fear and hesitance. You need to be confident when you approach her. Walk straight to her, maintain eye contact and speak strongly, slowly and clearly. This is enough to win her attention.
2. Dress well
You got to dress well. Remember your physical image matters a lot in this case. Dress decently. Dress to look unique and good and not to get attention.
Ensure your hair and beard are well maintained, Your mouth shouldn't produce any bad odour. You can consider wearing some cologne because a woman does not only notice you through sight. Your scent can be enough to draw her close to you. It shouldn't be a cheap cologne because they often smell bad. Additionally, it shouldn't be too much.