Baringo Senator Gideon Moi has broken his silence following claims that he has been blocking politicians from visiting retired President Daniel Arap Moi. 

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Speaking at his Alphega home in Mogotio Constituency on Sunday, Gideon said that the claims are false. He reminded leaders who want to meet the former Head of State to alert his aides before they head over to his Kabarak home.

He insisted that the allegations are baseless and politically instigated. 

“I'm not a watchman. You cannot ambush former President Daniel Moi. Even President Uhuru makes arrangements. I also don’t just enter his place anyhow. There are protocols, just make arrangements,” said Moi, as quoted by the Standard.

During the Sunday meeting, Gideon welcomed former Cabinet Minister Musa Sirma back to Kanu. Sirma was accompanied by more than 300 supporters during the meeting. 

He apologised to Moi for ditching Kanu in favour of Deputy President William Ruto. Sirma promised to assist Moi to revamp Kanu as he seeks to rise to power. He said that he will rally the electorate behind the senator during the upcoming 2022 polls. 

Gideon is considered one of the potential successors of President Uhuru Kenyatta.