A report by Auditor-General Edward Ouko has revealed that a total of Sh3.9 billion at Uwezo Funds cannot be accounted for.

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The money was meant to be shared among various groups around the nation. 

According to the 2017/2018 financial year report tabled in Parliament by Majority Leader Aden Duale, the money cannot be traced. 

There are no documents to show if the groups that were supposed to receive the money were given or not. More so, there are no debtor ledgers showing if the money was given out as loans. 

“There were also no comprehensive loan listings and/or ageing analysis in support of outstanding loans. Consequently, the accuracy, completeness, validity and recoverability of the unsupported and unaccounted for loans to group balance of Sh3,920,225,398 cannot be confirmed,” reads the report. 

Additionally, Uwezo Fund distributed over Sh7.5 million but there are no documents to show who received the money. 

The firm also went against the law by issuing funds to officers who had not serviced their previous loans. According to the report by Auditor-General Edward Ouko, a total amount of Sh10.1 million was given out.

Interestingly, the Uwezo Fund also gave out a total of Sh492,427 to officers who had already quit. 

The report has indicated that it doubts if all this money will be returned to the last coin.