As a husband, you don't have to be perfect because you will never be in the first place. However, there are mistakes that you can avoid so as to put some smile on your wife's face. 

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Marriage is challenging and in fact, you can fail to see where you are going wrong. 

Avoid these 5 mistakes so you plant a permanent smile on your wife's face;

1. You don't communicate enough with her

Your woman suffers terribly when you don't communicate well enough with her. In fact, you put your marriage at the verge of collapsing when you don't see the importance of keeping in touch with her and listening to her.

2. You don't make her your priority

Priority matters to your woman just like it matters to you as a man. Most men forget to engage their wives in whatever they do. What you say doesn't matter that much but what you do matters a lot. Prioritizing your wife means prioritizing your marriage. Avoid this mistake of being inconsiderate about her.

3. Breaking trust instead of building

Men really struggle when it comes to building trust with their women. It can be hard to make her trust you but once you understand that she is emotional while you are logical, you get to understand that your woman can be so good when she trusts you and so bad when she doesn't.

4. Being too self-absorbed

This simply means trusting that all your needs can only be met by you and your job or business and not your marriage or relationship. Anytime you put your job before your marriage, know that trouble is on the horizon coming to hit you.

5. Being inconsistent with handling her

Why should you be hot today and cold tomorrow and the day after tomorrow? Do not act like you are committed today and disappear tomorrow. It's not worth it as much as your woman's happiness is concerned.