The Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission has embarked on a probe into the alleged loss of more than Sh300 million in the Elgeyo Marakwet county government. 

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EACC has since summoned 34 senior officials from the county government over the alleged loss of the taxpayers' money. 

The officials are now expected to appear before the commission to shed more light on their involvement in the saga. 

According to Standard Digital, those summoned include 7 county directors as well as officers from the finance and procurement departments.

The officers, who also include two former Chief Officers have been linked to the irregular award of tenders in different sectors of management. 

EACC North Rift manager Mutembei Nyagah has revealed that the officers have been linked to bribery in the award of the tenders for projects amounting to between Sh300 million to Sh400 million.

"Our officers have been camping in Elgeyo Marakwet county for a week,” read part of the statement, as quoted by Standard. 

The commission plans to forward the names of the suspects to the Director of Public Prosecution (DPP) so that they can face the law once they are done with grilling them.