Fibroids are tumours that grow in the smooth muscle of the uterine wall during a woman's childbearing years. They can, however, develop within the uterus wall or attach to it.

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Fibroids lead to frequent urination, pelvic pain, and increased menstrual bleeding. It is worth noting that these tumours are not cancerous and rarely do they interfere with pregnancy. They tend to shrink as one passes menopause.

Once you experience the signs associated with fibroids, try out the following treatment options.

1. Medication

Treatment of fibroids with medication most times target the hormones that regulate one's menstrual cycle. 

The medication works differently as some provide symptom relief such as Gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) agonists, others either shrink the fibroids or not, for example, Lupron, Eligard, Goserelin, Zoladex while others ease the menstrual flow.

It is important to seek advice from your doctor on which mode of treatment is best for you.

2. Surgical procedures

Severe fibroids might not respond to some treatment options and thus surgery remains the only option. With the help of your doctor, you might opt for surgical techniques that will remove the fibroids such as abdominal myomectomy, removing the uterus (hysterectomy) or removing the uterine lining (endometrial ablation).