Moi University has done away with 30 departments, a move that has seen several lecturers moved to other schools.

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The decision to reduce the departments from 80 to 50 was approved by the management on Tuesday in a bid to reduce the cost of running the institution.

Among the departments that were affected is the Communication department which has been merged with Publishing and Media Studies, and Literature which has been merged with Linguistics.

However, the move didn't go down well with a section of lecturers who claim that the decision was not inclusive because they were not consulted.

Moi University Vice-Chancellor Prof Isaac Kosgey, however, noted that the changes are geared towards ensuring that the institution runs smoothly.

“We are placing academic staff in the faculties where they are best qualified. These changes will be a game-changer as it will ensure efficiency and cut costs,” said the VC.

The university which is facing battling cash crunch has in the recent past relocated several schools to the main campus.

The School of Agriculture and Natural Resources which was operating in Kitale Campus was relocated to the main campus in Kesses.

Those who were in Nairobi Campus pursuing Education courses were also moved to the main campus.

Other universities in the country are also struggling to reduce the cost of running and among them is University of Nairobi (UoN) which eliminated more than 40 courses.