A Kenyan lady studying in the United States has become a trending topic over the 33-year age gap between her and her American boyfriend.

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In an interview with Mail Online, Rahab Kimani said that the moment she met 54-year-old Joe Singiser, she immediately “wanted” him.

On his part, Singiser, who also doubled as Rahab’s boss at the time, explained that he was surprised when he found himself falling for his much younger employee. 

He, however, decided to follow his heart after he became convinced that his feelings for Rahab are motivated by true love

.Despite the obvious chemistry between the two lovebirds, Rahab’s friends did not approve of her love affair with the father of four. They expressed their disgust at the thought of Rahab finding an older man attractive.“I just stopped talking about it when I was around them,” Rahab explained to Mail Online.

She added that she was very comfortable with their first date and that they laughed during the entire time.Rahab added that she and Singiser still draw attention whenever they are together in public. 

She revealed that someone even once came to her and said that she should be ashamed of herself because she is only after Joe’s money.

The couple has been together for over a year, and are planning to start a family.