Former Nyeri Town MP Esther Murugi on Thursday surprised MPs with an expected remark during a vetting session to gauge her suitability of serving as a board member for National Lands Commission (NLC).

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One of the MPs vetting her asked if she still had the energy to run the commission, given the fact that she was approaching 70 years. She responded that she was not going to a dancing competition.

“I am not going to a football field or dancing competition… I go to the gym every morning and I can say I am fitter than some 35-year-olds,” she said.

She also disclosed her worth, during the session conducted at Parliamentary buildings in Nairobi. 

“I am worth close to Sh400 million. I am a graduate of Nairobi University. I have over 10 years’ experience in real estate. I am currently a director of a real estate company. I have been a member of this committee when I was MP. I served the people of Nyeri for two consecutive terms,” added the former legislator.

In July, President Uhuru Kenyatta named Murugi among contenders for NLC’s top jobs. She served as Nyeri Town MP for two terms, between 2007 and 2017.