We should always go for natural remedies to some of our illnesses. There are diseases or health conditions that drinking warm or hot water can actually cure.

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Take hot water whenever you experience any of the following health conditions;

1. Nasal congestion and soar throat

You don't need to go to the pharmacy to pick medicine for such a condition. Limit the amount of medicine that you put in your body by going for a natural remedy.

Warm a cup of water every morning or evening before you sleep, drink slowly in sips as you inhale the vapor. Your nose will be decongested and your throat will be soothed too.

2. Constipation

Constipation is a condition where the bowel cannot move to pass food ahead for further digestion. 

This is usually experienced when the bowel consumes all water taken in through food and drinking thereby causing dehydration. Constipation can cause pain in the bowel area, hemorrhoids and bloating. Drinking hot water helps break down the food faster than cold water. It reduces the risk of constipation. 

3. Alleviates pain

The steam produced by hot water is a medicine of its own nature. Hot water is considered to be nature's best remedy for pain especially from menstrual cramps and headaches. 

Heat from warm water is known to have a calming effect on the abdominal muscles and can help cool down pain resulting from cramps and muscle spasms. 

Warm water also enhance blood flow throughout the body thereby helping relax muscles.