Stomach bloating could occur after you enjoy a tasty meal or due to health-related issues. A bloated belly feels uncomfortable and can prevent you from taking part in other tasks.
Here are five drinks that relieve bloating
1. Mixture of water and lemon or cucumber
A solution made from mixing still water and a slice of lemon or cucumber or small pieces of the fruits will help in relieving bloating. This is because the mixture stimulates your metabolism.
2. Peppermint tea
The best way to prepare the drink is to pour the warm or hot water on the peppermint and let it brew for some time. This serves quite fast to get rid of any trapped gas in your stomach and relax your body and reduce cramps since it contains muscle-relaxing properties.
3. Coconut water
Coconut water contains high amounts of potassium and calcium which keeps fluids levelled up in your body and this helps in relieving bloating.
4. Watermelon juice
Watermelon juice is rich in potassium and low in calories which makes it one of the drinks that can serve well to relieve bloating.
5. Pineapple juice
Pineapples contain an enzyme called bromelain which breaks down any proteins in your digestive system thus stimulating your digestion.