There are various ways of repaying your Higher Education Loans Board (Helb) loan. Most people prefer repaying it through the bank not knowing that they can also wire their loan payments via their mobile phones.

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Repaying your Helb loan through M-Pesa is faster and convenient. In fact, it is the easiest way since you don't need to visit a bank in order to make the payment. 

M-Pesa has made it easier for loanees to repay their loans without any hustle.

Just like when paying your bills through M-Pesa, you will be required to enter the Helb paybill number and in this case, your identification number is your account number. 

Ensure you input the correct ID number as your account number to enable them to pinpoint your Helb account. 

Here is a guide on how to go about it.

1. On your sim toolkit, go to M-Pesa menu and select pay bills.

2.  On the business number, enter Helb's number 200800.

3. Like mentioned above, your account number is your national ID number.

4. Enter the amount you intend to pay. 

5. Thereafter, enter your pin.

6. Crosscheck your details, then send.

7. Wait for a transaction confirmation SMS from M-Pesa.