The Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) Noordin Haji on Wednesday said his office has launched a probe into the Sh2.7 billion saga at the Kenya Ports Authority (KPA).

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DPP Haji confirmed receiving investigation files from the Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI), adding that his office will review them and take necessary action.

Reports on Citizen Digital indicate that the DPP received files on Makongeni Goodshed Project, construction of concrete barriers, and the revitalization of the Kisumu port.

“The file was handed over to me yesterday…we are looking at it and if satisfied as ODPP we will proceed,” DPP Noordin Haji told Citizen.

Speaking on Sunday, DCI George Kinoti confirmed that his team had completed investigations on the case, and was ready to move to the next phase.

"We have the report and the recommendations. What I can tell you is that we shall now move to the next stage,” said Kinoti as quoted by Nation.

The probe means that a number of top managers mentioned in the scandal risk being arrested if found to have a case to answer.