Deputy president Dr William Ruto has suffered another set back after one of his ally, Nyeri Governor Mutahi Kahiga has ditched him to join President Uhuru's Kenya.

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Speaking on Thursday at a local radio station, Kahiga noted that he thought the second in command visits to his county was on behalf of President Uhuru kenya. However, according to the governor, this was not the case.

“DP Ruto has been in Nyeri for many times and I have been attending his functions as the county governor. I have however come to realise that things are totally different from what I initially thought,”the county boss noted.

The governor decision comes after the president isolated him from his Mt.Kenya counterparts; Francis Kimemia (Nyandarua), Anne Waiguru(Kirinyaga),Kiraitu Murungi(Meru) and Ndiritu Mureithi( Laikipia) when he called   them to meet him.

The Governor said he had now realized by supporting Ruto's quest for presidency was a wrong move. 

Moses Kuria,Cate Waruguru and Ndindi Nyoro are among the remaining few Mt.Kenya leaders still supporting the Deputy president.