Kapseret MP Oscar Sudi has been challenged to use sign language, if he is not comfortable speaking English in Parliament.

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The challenge has been thrown to him by Suna East MP Junet Mohammed after Sudi claimed that he does not speak in Parliament because he is busy dealing oth wither issues, as his friends from Nyanza and other regions who can speak good English, spent most of their time in Parliament.

Sudi was reacting to Mzalendo Trust report that included him in a list of ten MPs that have not spoken in Parliament, since being sworn in after the August 2017 polls.

Junet has told him not to worry since he can still use sign Language if he is not comfortable debating in English.

“You see Mr. Speaker, the standing orders are clear. You can use three languages. You can use English, you can use Kiswahili or you can use sign language. Honourable Sudi can use sign language if he has limitations on the other two,” Junet told the National Assembly sitting on Thursday.

“Or I can amend the standing orders on his behalf so that we can get interpretations for mother tongue.  Mr. Speaker he can come here if the standing orders will allow us to speak in his Kalenjin language,” added Junet.

A section of Kenyans were shocked to learn that Sudi is yet to speak in Parliament, despite being very vocal in meetings outside Parliament.