Residents of Soy location in Uasin Gishu have been asked to minimise on the cases of domestic violence that have become rampant in the area in the recent past. Likuyani MP Enoch Kibunguchy said that domestic violence has been rife in the region and called upon residents to avoid fighting over petty issues that can be avoided. The legislator spoke a day after a woman in the area suffered brutality in the hands of her husband, leading to the loss of her two teeth, over allegations that she stole maize from the house. “Cases of domestic violence have led to deterioration of education standards in the constituency as children cannot fully concentrate on their education in the event that their parents are fighting often,” said Kibunguchy. He said that the high number of schoolchildren who are pregnant is owed to some of the parents' problems at homes. Kibunguchy asked residents to be serious on the need to embrace education of the young girls who ought to be given equal opportunities boys. Likuyani constituency has more than 120 pregnant girls who are still in school. The number is alarming and community leaders have vowed to bring to justice any person that is involved.
Residents told to avoid domestic violence
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