It is a known fact – he is gunning for the big seat come 2022. Even though he has repeatedly reiterated that leaders should stop politicking and work, DP Ruto has hit the ground running, traversing the country to win favour from the electorate.
According to Robert Greene’s Laws of Power, DP Ruto has assumed a form, which is contrary the law number 48 ‘Assume Formlessness.’ He is thus open to attacks from all people, especially those opposed to the idea of his presidency.
Keeping the talks of dynasty aside, DP Ruto’s greatest enemy is his money. Every weekend he is in this church or that, donating money or organizing harambees.
As a consequence of his modus operandi, DP Ruto has made everyone angle for his money. Everyone who wants his money will definitely tell him what he wants to hear – that he is God’s chosen, or that they are with the hustler all the way.
Some even go to great lengths to preach about his presidency. Even atheists want some piece of the money that DP Ruto seemingly has in limitless quantities.
A conversation with anyone with brains will tell you that he or she is willing to go to any lengths to get DP Ruto’s money. Once in possession of the money, he or she will decide what to do with the vote. After all, it is a secret ballot.
The large numbers that gather to listen to DP Ruto may not actually be interested in what he has to say. They are interested in the handouts as is typical of Kenyans when they see a politician.
For now, DP Ruto has assumed a form and that form is to succeed President Uhuru Kenyatta once his term ends. The trouble with Kenyans when they smell money is that they won’t tell you they don’t like you. Come 2022, things may change for worse or for the better.
What the self-proclaimed hustler must do is be careful with people who sing his praises. Even flies do that in the presence of a carcass, and will immediately leave when it is bare bones.
Consequently, he should closely screen people to understand their motives. Politicians can be canny and sly. They will sing praises to see how far you can dip your hand into your pockets to compensate for the fake support.