Mombasa Governor Hassan Joho may face a delicate political balancing act during the 2022 elections even as his key political allies are tipped to go for the gubernatorial seat come to the 2022 general election. 

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With Mvita MP Abdulswamad Sharrif Nassir seen as a front-runner for the seat alongside Mombasa County Assembly Speaker Harub Khatri, Joho may be forced to make a tough political choice on his successor, but what cost?

To further complicate matters for the ODM deputy party leader is the recent endorsement of Likoni MP Mishi Mboko for the top seat by a group of female politicians allied to 'Team Embrace'.

Mboko is not your ordinary politician. She is a key Joho ally and has the governor's ear. In ODM's political hierarchy she is a key female figure.

To further compound Joho's political headache is the decision by former Mombasa County Secretary Francis Thoya that he will vie for the governorship in 2022.

It was Thoya who was tipped to be Joho's running mate during the 2017 election. However, the governor settled on university don Dr William Kingi.  However, as a good grassroots operator, Thoya, a former journalist emerged as Joho's key campaigner.

Now, with Joho chasing his own political dreams and giving a shot at the presidency, how can he balance between Mombasa and national politics especially when those expected to face off are his key allies? 

Well, the next three years will shape up Mombasa's political terrain.

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