Problems in relationships and marriages are often preceded by certain signs.
Here are some of the signs you should never ignore in your relationship.
1. You don't trust each other
When trust begins to diminish in marriage, the end result is usually divorce. If you text too much and you don't bother explaining to your partner whoever you are talking to, you will lose their trust.
Same to coming home late and receiving or making calls in private. Trust bonds two people together. When it is broken, everything else falls apart.
2. They make you feel stupid
You might think this never happens in relationships and marriages but it does. If your partner keeps acting in ways likely to suggest that you don't mean much to them, they are only trying to show you that they no longer need you.
Things like breaking promises frequently without explanations, and embarrassing you in the presence of other people, all make you feel stupid.
3. You or your partner isn't open to communication
As a couple, you need to communicate effectively. However, when you begin to feel that communication between you and your partner isn't important, chances are that the relationship won't last long.
A similar case is when your partner distances himself or herself from engaging in serious communication with you.