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Farmers in Kisumu County have been asked to commercialise farming to boost their income.

Speaking in Kisumu Town on Tuesday, Kisumu Central politician Felix Pala, said farmers need to venture into farming as a business enterprise in order to realise high returns.

He said by diversifying farming, they will supplement their income, create jobs, reduce poverty and provide residents with food security.

Pala, who is eying the Kisumu Central Parliamentary seat said the county is endowed with rich agricultural resources for crop, poultry and livestock production.

“The high poverty level in the area can be reduced if farmers in the county diversify their farming,” he said.

Pala said continued cultivation of traditional crops is to blame for the high level of poverty among farmers in the county.

He urged the farmers to adopt new farming methods by using new technologies to improve yields.

Pala said farmers should embrace poultry and dairy farming alongside growing various crops, adding that this will boost the county's food security.

He also challenged youth and women to apply for government loans and invest wisely in farming for income generation.

He said agriculture is among the top economic activities that can change the livelihoods of the people in the county if the best farming methods are employed.

“I encourage farmers to diversify to vegetable and dairy farming since concentrating on maize alone will force them to wait until they get cash as maize matures after seven months,” said Pala.