Tears are common with everybody due to the fact that each and every human being shed tears if not from pain then from extreme happiness or from irritations in the eyes. However, below are some of the crazy facts about tears you may not have known;

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There are three types of tears

There are three types of tears and these are basal, reflex and emotional tears. The basal tears are secreted to clean and lubricate your eyes, the reflex tears are secreted when your eyes are irritated by maybe by the itchy gas produced when you cut onions or by tear gas that was actually common in Kenya few moths ago and lastly the emotional tears which are secreted when one has strong emotional feelings - of course this does not require to much explanation. 

Tears have three layers/components

Tears are made up of thee components or layers; the oil layer, the mucus layer (mucin) and the watery layer. The oily layer is meant to lubricate the eye for easy movement of the eyelids when you blink, the mucin contains mucus which trap solid particles that may try entering into the eye. The watery layer obviously contains water which is responsible for cleaning the eye.

Tears aid in vision, cleaning, defense mechanism for the eye

Tears are important in vision as they smoothen irregularities on the surface of the eyeball improving vision. Besides this tears are meant to to remove toxic substances from the eye and even excess salt in the blood and this is why tears are salty. Tears also contain enzymes, antibodies and immune components that help protect the eye from harmful microorganisms.