Do you share bathing soap? If yes. Then you are exposing yourself to deadly infections.

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Many people don't know that sharing bathing soap is one of the easiest ways deadly infections transmit.

Health experts discourage people from sharing bathing soaps even if it is among family members.

Growing up we have been used to sharing soap and not knowing the danger we expose ourselves to.

Here are deadly infections one can easily contract by sharing bathing soap.

1. Ringworms It is also known as dermatophytosis or tines.

It is a fungal infection of the skin transmitted through sharing of clothes and bathing soap among infected person.

Ringworms appears in form of boils or blisters that affect the skin and the scalp.

It also affects the feet, groin, beard and other body parts.


It is also known as varicella and is a highly contagious viral infection caused by the varicella virus. 

It appears in form of red itchy boils that attacks the whole body.

The red boils itch-producing blood and pus when touched or scrubbed.

It can also be transmitted through sharing of bathing soap and other personal hygienic items.

 3. Genital herpes

 It is one of the most common sexually transmitted diseases caused by the herpes simplex virus.

It occurs inform of cold sores or blisters that attack the genital parts.

Apart from being transmitted sexually, Genital herpes Amos transmits by direct contact with infected persons and through sharing of hygienic items like soap.

Health experts advise people to avoid sharing soap and recommend for everyone to have his or her own soap.

In cases where sharing is inevitable, it is advisable for one to rinse the soap before applying it to avoid these dangerous infections.3 infections you can easily contract by sharing bathing soap.
