A submissive woman is always the dream of every man.
If your woman is submissive then she will give you everything you want from her including money she's been saving in the bank for years.
If you want your woman to be submissive you can try the following rules.
Never take her granted
After spending your time running up and down chasing and buying her different gifts just to get her never lose that momentum after getting her on your side.
Many people do this just because they feel they own her and she has nowhere to go.
However, this is not right as it will demean her and make her feel less important.
Always do everything just to make her feel important and wanted in your life.
Never take her for granted.
Make sure you respect her always
As much as women do not like soft and easy-going guys, at least you should practice some moderation when trying to thump that authority on her.
Make sure you treat her with the respect she deserves.
Women just like men deserve respect always as this makes one feel worthy.
Therefore, show her some respect and she will respect you too. It is a two-way traffic.
Always be romantic
Nothing drives a woman crazy than the sight of a romantic man.
Age of your relationship should never be the measure of romance between you and your woman.
No matter how long you date always be romantic to her.
You can even help her with cooking once or twice as this helps build romance in a relationship.
If your relationship has been shaky then probably it could be missing the above rules.
Try them out and everything will work out for you.