Majority of us have problems when it comes to how we use our finances. Most of the time, we end up regretting our money choices whenever we become broke. Over fifty percent of people will always tell you "I don't even know how I used up all my salary or savings."
Saving can be compared to dieting. When you want to lose weight, one cannot start a new meal plan immediately but instead, you slowly cut the bad eating habits. Hence, if you want to get a hold of your finances first start by tracking down your spending.
In the book called 'The Smart Money Woman', the author advices one to group their spendings. Once you figure out what is important or not in your expenditure, you will be able to find out what is not worth spending on.
Secondly, set financial rules that you can adhere to. Regulations make us disciplined. These restrictions can be informed of goals. Set financial targets that you want to achieve after a certain period of time. These targets should be things that really matter and add value to you. This will give you a drive and motivation to achieve it.
Lastly, get your own 'money police'. This can be a responsible friend, girlfriend, sibling or even parent who can scold you when you divert from your goals or misuse your money. Having a sense of accountability to an individual will make us feel obligated to adhere to the rules that we set.