There are many writing jobs available online. Many graduates are turning to online writing as a means to pay bills and survive.
There are those who do online writing as part time jobs while some do online writing as full time jobs. For you to excel in online writing, you need a laptop or a good smart phone and internet connection. You also need to get familiar with the latest writing apps available online. But before anything else, you need to know which types of writing are available online.
Academic writing
This type of writing involves writing term papers. You are given an assignment do to. The assignment contains the details of the job such as topic to write about, the number of words and the citation style to use. Some assignments also insist on the use of certain key words. Most academic writings are paid using the number of pages. Some pay as high as Sh400 per page while others pay as low as Sh200 per page.
Creating content for websites
This is also another common type of online writing. Creating content for websites are of two types. There is this type where the website owner gives you a topic to write about. He or she will also give you the number of words required for a particular article. Then there is the other type where you choose your own topic. A big difference between creating content for websites and academic writing is that while citations are required in academic writing, citations are not necessary while creating content for websites.
Another type of writing available online is blogging. You can either be a guest blogger (write for another blog) or you can start your own blog. Most bloggers make money through advertisements like Google’s AdSense. Blogging requires some patience. You cannot create a blog today and start earning from your blog tomorrow. You need to first generate traffic on your blog before you can start having companies making adverts on your site.