Poor WiFi signals can be caused by a number of factors. If you have been recently experiencing poor WiFi connectivity, you need to ask yourself what could be the problem behind it. Some objects are said to interfere with WiFi strength which makes it extremely slow and boring.
Here are the objects in your house that affect WiFi strength
1. Thick walls
If your WiFi router was installed on a thick wall, then you will have a hard time when browsing or watching on YouTube. Try repositioning your router and install it in a more better and optimal spot. Avoid placing it on thick walls that contain insulation material, water pipes and air ducts.
Try installing it on thinner partitions made of gyprock. They don't interfere with the strength. However, if you are still experiencing the same problem, use a WiFi repeater that will boost the strength.
2. Microwave or TVs
Placing your router next to a TV or microwave can cause wreak havoc to your WiFi signal. Microwaves have the same frequency to WiFi networks which means that any problem with radiation can actually affect the signal strength. Just trying placing the router far from the TV or microwaves for a stronger signal.
3. Metallic objects or surfaces
Any metallic object can interfere with your WiFi's strength by weakening and limiting it. If it is near a metallic object, try repositioning it to a more optimal spot far from any metallic objects.