Performing some workouts should be part of your daily routines. 

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There are different exercises ranging from press ups, jogging and running and each exercise can impact your body in a positive manner. 

 They can also help you build muscles and keep you strong. 

When it comes to getting biceps, there are specific exercises one should consider. 

Here are the best bicep exercises

1. Commando chin-ups

To perform the exercise, you will need to place your hands close together on the chin-up bar. Your arms should be straight and thumbs should be facing you. 

Start by pulling yourself up with your head to the left of the bar. Try touching the bar with your right shoulder. You will be required to lower yourself back down to the initial position. 

Thereafter, with your head to the right of the bar, pull yourself up. Try as much as possible to touch the bar with your left shoulder.

 2. Eccentric chin-ups 

Hold the chin-up bar with your palms while facing you. The first thing you will be required to do is to lower yourself down into a hanging position. Ensure that your arms shouldn't be wholly straight in the end position. Remember to maintain tension in your shoulders and arms in the end position. 

  3. Chin-ups 

To perform the exercise, hold the chin-up bar with your palms while facing you and your hands about shoulder width apart. Pull yourself up until your chin is over the bar in the end position. You will then lower yourself back to the initial starting position in a controlled manner.