Many women get pregnant unexpectedly having no idea what to do next. However, if one of your friends happens to be a victim, trust you can help her go through an unplanned pregnancy in many ways. Here are some of the best ways to help a friend go through an unplanned pregnancy.

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1. Be present

One of the main ways to show her that you are with her throughout her new journey is by being present. Be there for her because that is the time that she needs someone to encourage her and make her feel worthy.

2. Lend your ears

Getting pregnant unexpectedly can be confusing and frustrating. Therefore, it is at this time where one can be there to listen whatever she has to say. Lending a pregnant friend your ears, will help her a lot as it is through communication, that she will be able to reveal how they feel about their current state.

3. Offer advice with love

When it comes to advising her, make sure that you do it with much love. Just assume that you are the one in such a situation and think of what you’ll love to hear from another person.