Nails are the protective organ of the inner part and the tip of the fingers. They also help in picking small objects.
Beautiful nails can boost your self-esteem because you will not be afraid to shake hands with anybody. Furthermore, it makes you look presentable among your peers.
People admire cute nails which can be achieved by eating these foods.
1. Spinach
This green vegetable not only boosts your immunity but its also good for your nail health because of its nutrients. It contains vitamin A, E, B and folate which will make your nail longer and stronger.
2. Tomatoes and bell peppers
They contain vitamin C which boosts collagen levels in your body which is essential for healthy nails. Carrots and sweet potatoes contain vitamin A which is a source of antioxidants that will keep your nail from breaking.
3. Eggs
Nail surfaces are made of keratin and this makes proteins vital for its growth. Eggs will assist in building and nourishing the cells in the nails. Deficiency of proteins will make your nails brittle thus breaking easily.
4. Coconut oil
They contain a variety of vitamins; A, D, E and K which strengthens the nails.