Prostate cancer is a chronic disease that affects thousands of men. Most of the victims of prostate cancer are men older than 65 years. 

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In a man's lower abdomen, there is a gland called the prostate. It's situated right under the bladder and it also surrounds the urethra. 

The seminal fluid which is also referred to as semen is produced by prostrate after it is regulated by the hormone testosterone.  

One is said to be diagnosed with prostate cancer after a malignant growth of cells develops in the prostate. It is to be noted that this particular cancer can manoeuvre to other areas of the body with such a spread bringing harmful effects to the body.

1. Types of prostate cancer

Prostate cancer identifies with adenocarcinoma, a particular kind of cancer that grows in the gland's tissue, for instance, the prostate gland. Aggressive prostate cancer isn't anything to be overlooked; the tumour rapidly grows and in the worst scenario can spread to other parts of the body like the bones.  

With non-aggressive prostate cancer, the tumour barely grows or it entirely doesn't grow. 

2. Prostate cancer causes and its risk factors

Just like a wide range of all cancers, prostate cancer could be caused by exposure to certain chemicals that might depict a negative impact upon entry into the body. Those who are at risk of falling victim of prostate cancer are older men and the obese.

3. Prostate cancer symptoms

Advanced prostate cancer surely comes with symptoms. Here are the symptoms you should watch out for. 

a. Urinary problem

The tumour which grows on the prostrate could press either the bladder or even the urethra bringing problems.

b. Pain and numbness 

The growth of prostate cancer can bring pain in areas like the pelvis, back and chest.