Residents in Kinangop, Nyandarua County are in shock after the body of a one-year-old was discovered at a nursery school.

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The bizzare incident happened on Friday when the nursery pupils going to relieve themselves spotted the infant at the latrine and reported the case to their teacher.

According to, Phyllis Mwaura, a senior teacher at Ciondo Early Childhood Development Education (ECDE) centre, the unsuspecting pupils thought it was doll dropped there and even requested them to remove it for them.

"They informed us that a doll was in the latrine and that it was brown, with hair and hands. They wanted us to retrieve and clean it for them," Mwaura noted.

She blamed poor fencing of the school and pathetic condition of the latrine in the school as the reason why the infant was dumped there.

“The latrine is also in a pathetic state. We appeal to the county government and area Member of Parliament Kwenya Thuku to construct modern and permanent toilets for us," she added.

Shocked residents who arrived at the scene lamented the act.

“I wouldn't say the mother killed it due to poverty. She must be a young mother who wants to continue enjoying her life. She should have left the innocent infant with her parents or a neighbour. It's taboo. A curse will torment her soul all the days of her life,” said Ruth Wambui, one of the residents who were at the scene.