Government spokesman Cyrus Oguna on Saturday while issuing a press statement on the Likoni Ferry Channel accident, claimed the victim may have been suffering from depression.
Oguna said the victim who has been identified as John Mutinda, disobeyed a warning by a ferry official to stop, and consequently plunged his car into the ocean.
He urged members of the public to look out for their colleagues, friends and family members who display symptoms of being stressed or depressed.
"We request that whenever we are at work or at home, we should try and look after our fellows. There are times that someone displays signs that are not good. Signs that indicate he may be depressed. We should report such cases to the relevant authorities so that action can be taken immediately.
(Tunaomba pia kwamba sisi tukiwa kule makazini kwetu. kwenye mtaani, tujaribu kuangalia wenzetu. Kuna wakati ambazo mtu anaonyesha dalili ambazo sio sawa. Ambazo zinaonyesha kwamba labda ako na matatizo ya kimawazo, ya kiakili tuweze kupiga ripoti kwa vituo na vitengo vifaavyo ili hatua ya haraka iweze kuchukuliwa)," he told KTN News.
Oguna said Mutinda's life could have been saved if action had been taken earlier.
Mutinda's car plunged into the Indian Ocean on Saturday morning.
The car together with his body were retrieved several hours after the accident.