The Building Bridges Initiative team will be moving around the country to explain some of the recommendations in the report, Raila Odinga has said.

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President Uhuru Kenyatta and Raila Odinga extended the mandate of the team last week even though no timeline was specifically given.

The team handed over the draft report to Uhuru who launched it at the Bomas of Kenya. A number of people who opposed the content have since supported it.

Speaking at Chungwa House on Tuesday, Odinga said Kenyans should use the opportunity and air their proposals which are not captured in the document.

"It is my appeal to all Kenyans to prepare to engage @TheRealBBI team that will be going around the country explaining the document with a view to having all shades of opinion captured. 

'We should treat this as a chance for the nation to talk to itself about its future. #OdmPG," said Mr Odinga, who was addressing ODM PG and National Executive.

Among others, the BBI team recommended the creation of Prime Minister post, with the holder expected to run government business.

However, on Monday, a section of politicians allied to President Uhuru Kenyatta from Mt Kenya called for an executive Prime Minister post.

DP William Ruto's team supported the post as it is, despite initially vowing to oppose the report. Should the report be amended to harbour an executive PM, the two camps could yet again be headed for a showdown.