Mombasa governor Ali Hassan Joho has been one of the most vocal confidants of ODM chief Raila Odinga.

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His anti-Ruto politics were raised a notch higher immediately after the 2017 general elections.

He was a frequent critic of the DP’s national development tours terming them baseless political agenda.

It is evident how the governor has currently muted attacks on the president and his deputy.

Part of the reason is the power of the handshake. Since his party boss Raila Odinga is now working closely with the president, it is a difficult thing for Joho to attack the president in public. He will be lowering his loyalty to the party leader.

Thus, he chose to reduce the attacks so as to swim in the same political waters with his party boss.

Since he has ambitions of going for the top seat in the country, he cannot afford to read from a different script from his boss’s. Consequently, the governor wants to leave a positive legacy that everybody will fight to emulate.

Considering that he is doing his last term in office as the first Mombasa governor, he wants to avoid many political utterances and focus on delivering his election pledges.

Hence, the governor doesn’t want to prolong his anti-Ruto attacks because they might destruct him from concentrating on development programs in his county.