Jomo Kenyatta Girls School in Bahati sub-county of Nakuru is on the spot after a form 3 student was reported to have been defiled by a teacher.

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The Chemistry teacher identified as Felix Makori is said to have committed the act with the student on 5th June this year at his house at Maili Kumi with no action having been taken against the suspect.

According to the student, the suspect had called her to his house to sort out issues after it merged that they have been in constant communication on phone.

The teacher is said to have used the opportunity to lure the form 3 student into the act.

The student told journalists that she tried to resist but the teacher threatened that she would throw her out of his house at that particular time of night.

Being afraid of the night and how she would go back to school, she finally gave in with the teacher warning her not to open up to anyone about the incident.

The mother of the student, who addressed journalists, says she has tried to find justice for her daughter but all in vain.

She is however surprised that after reporting the matter to the school, the Deputy Principal informed her that she should take the Birth Certificate of her daughter to the police station.

“The suspect is still free and the School Board says it cannot accept my daughter that I should take her birth certificate to the police station. I wonder how that is connected to my seeking justice for my daughter,” she said.

She, however, feels that the school administration is colluding with police to silence the matter.

“We have a P3 form that indicates that indeed my daughter was defiled but then it seems the school does not want to cooperate so that justice can be revealed,” she said.

An issue that is evidenced as even journalists were barred from accessing the school.

Area Sub-county Director of Education Mr Joel Kaunda when contacted over the matter said the issue has not been reported, but a quality assurance officer has been sent to the ground to ascertain the matter.

Meanwhile, Nakuru North OCPD Jacintah Mwarania said the file has been forwarded to DPP for further directions.