Muranga Senator Irungu Kang'ata has proposed stiff punitive measures for men who abandon their children, otherwise known as deadbeat dads.

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The lawmaker has sponsored an Amendment Bill on the Children's Act, as he targets people who intentionally refuse to take care of their children after impregnating women.

In his proposal, he wants such people confined within the country and denied permission to leave the country once they defy court orders to support their children.

He wants them given stiffer punishments in the instance they default on loans and also have their driving licenses not renewed until they meet children's financial obligations.

If it passes, it will be hard to secure employment for deadbeat fathers, as such persons will not be issued with the Certificate of Good Conduct from the police.

He says that in cases where a DNA is needed, then the cost can be met by the party with means, and the cost shared in the instance that it comes out negative.

“If DNA turns negative, then the costs can be shared,” reads the proposal in part, as was seen by the Star.

The cost of conducting a DNA tests ranges from Sh8,000, with the cost likely to shoot up to Sh20,000 if being done for legal purposes.