Google has opened an Artificial Intelligence lab in Accra, Ghana. This is the first of its kind to be set up in Africa.

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In a bid to position itself across the world, Google has set up such centres in other cities such as Tokyo, Zurich, New York and Paris. 

The “Al first” company can be used in various aspects of life that include; health, education and agriculture. 

Moustapha Cisse, a research scientist in charge of Google’s AI in Africa, pointed out that his team will channel necessary research to interested parties for them to solve various problems in this continent.

"Most of what we do in our research centres at Google and not just in Accra, we publish it and open-source code, so that everybody can use it to build all sorts of things," he said.

He added that his team is ready to collaborate with various institutes to come up with solutions to various problems. 

The centre will be engaging with researchers in various universities by giving them capital to work on various AI field and also giving them PhD scholarships. 

Cisse also noted that Google encourages graduates to study Machine Intelligence at the African Institute for Mathematical Sciences centre in Rwanda, which they fully support. 

Cisse is among the other 8 members from different countries of Africa working at the AI lab in Ghana. They include; research scientists and software engineers.

The team’s main aim is to make sure that Africans provide solutions to their own problems.

The centre will also focus on aiding Google to translate African languages. 

Google has joined other big companies such as Facebook in launching productive projects in Africa.