A Kenyan family from Siaya County is seeking financial help to bring back the body of a woman shot dead in the US for a befitting burial. 

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The family of the late, Janet Oyuga, wants to raise Sh.5 million to enable it to transport her body back into the country after she was killed by an elderly woman in Seattle, US. The hope of the family dwindled after receiving the sad news that she was no more.

The deceased’s elder sister, Sophie Oyuga has said that they are hoping that the family will get justice one of these days after their beloved was shot dead under unclear circumstances.

She also said that the family is stranded after it emerged that it needs close to Sh.5 million before the body of the deceased can be transported back into the country for the final rites.

 “We are hoping that justice would be served to us since now we’re in a double tragedy. The house which my sisters bought in November burnt into ashes on New Year’s eve with the course of fire not known,” says Sophie.

 The family has faulted the US government over the slow progress of the probe into the matter.