Renowned lawyer Donald Kipkorir has poured scorn on Miguna Miguna amid his third quest to return to Kenya.

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Writing on Twitter on Wednesday, Kipkorir said that the so-called Tanga Tanga group was keen on having the embattled lawyer in their ranks.

He warned members of the political group, comprising of staunch supporters of Deputy President Dr William Ruto's 2022 presidential bid, that Miguna would give them trouble should he be allowed into the group.

"Has the failed Canadian lawyer arrived? I hear TangaTanga is in a near state of delirium as the Insulting Choir is about to get a new member ... TangaTanga expects an Orchestra but the Canadian believes in Soloist performance with no other person. Expect chaos on stage, " he said.

At the time of writing this article, Miguna was still stranded at a German airport, where he was expected to board a plane for the final leg of his journey to Kenya.

The drama surrounding his apparently botched return to Kenya mirrors the drama that saw him forcefully deported to Canada after a days-long standoff with immigration authorities.

Social media platforms were plunged into a frenzy following reports that the lawyer had been ejected from an Air France plane after boarding.