Cleaning your teeth, tongue and gums keep bad breath, tooth decay and gum diseases away.

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Clean and healthy teeth should be white and once you notice a change in colour, this is a sign that something is amiss.

Here are some of the causes of brown stains on teeth.

1. Tooth decay

This results when the outer layer of your teeth starts to corrode due to the build-up of the food you consume which contains bacteria that produces acid. Once brushed off, the acid breaks down the enamel leading to brown spots and can even lead to teeth cavities.

2. Drinking water with fluoride

This mostly affects young children whose teeth have started forming. This, however, does not mean that it can't affect adults. The mineral leads to discolouration of the tooth enamel leading to the formation of brown spots on the teeth.

3. Mouth trauma

Suffering from a trauma inside your mouth and most especially on a tooth nerve results in the appearance of brown spots on the teeth which might turn completely brown if not attended to as soon as possible.

4. Taking nicotine

Nicotine is contained in tobacco and constant exposure to it can result in brown teeth. This affects people who chew or smoke tobacco.