As an entrepreneur, you will find having to juggle hundreds of business-related crises on an almost daily basis. To get out of the rut of simply being busy and doing little else, here is how to get stuff done:
1. Prioritize your daily schedule. Don't leave things to chance. Note down what you need to get done and prioritize those tasks that are in line with your goals. If its marketing, networking or revenue growth, start with the tasks that will get you closer to the objectives.
2. Use the two-minute rule. David Allen, a productivity consultant, suggests that if you can carry out an action in two minutes or less, do it immediately. Don't put it off for later. He suggests prioritizing your responsibility based on how much time they will take and leaving more time-intensive tasks to those periods when you will be undisturbed or have the energy to undertake them.
3. Reward yourself. Your day's task won't always be exciting or fun, so your brain is likely to want to put them off for as long as possible. But you can trick it into playing ball. Dedicate time to a task and then reward yourself. This will train your brain to work hard and then play hard.
4. Declutter. Organise your workspace to reduce mental and physical clutter. Put everything where it should be, which will save you time and improve your workflow- don't waste time trying to figure out where the stuff is.