Passion is a berry fruit that has been used by man for centuries. Despite its smaller size, the fruit is highly endowed with varying nutrients which are fundamental in the body. Here are amazing benefits of passion fruit as highlighted on

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1. Passion fruit contains antioxidants

Antioxidants are a group of vitamins that play a role in combatting free radicals, more so carcinogens in the body. Antioxidants ambush them before causing serious complications in the body. They deter cancer infections.

2. Good eyesight

Passion fruit is highly endowed with Vitamins A, C and flavonoid that are essential for the eye. These nutrients combat free radicals that cause infections to an eye. They also protect mucous eye membrane against associated risks.

3. Boosts immune system

Passion fruit acts as a defensive mechanism in the body.  The fruit is highly endowed with vitamins A, C , xanthins, and beta-carotene that boost the production of white blood cells. White blood cells fight and prevent entry of pathogens in our body. In short, passion fruit boosts the whole immune system.

4. Protects the skin

Aforementioned, they contain antioxidants that fight free radicals. Passionfruit plays a role in fighting free radicals. They mask and protect the skin against ultraviolet rays of the sun.

Always incorporate passion fruit into your daily meals for better health.