When it comes to relationships both men and women have different approaches to getting pleasure and satisfaction. It's the way humans are wired and women wish men knew a number of things to come with into a relationship.

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Here is what every woman wishes her partner knew.

Praising her

Women become insecure in the relationship as the intimacy wears out with the years.They develop anxieties on whether they are still alluring with a change of their looks. A man has to put up with that and appreciate anything he finds attractive about her.

Sex is part of her daily life

Just like men, women need to be stress-free to have satisfying sex.The bad feelings and experiences during the day can affect a woman's sexual activities. Women want their men to occasionally treat them better for lively sexual sessions.

Sex is beyond ejaculation

Women allege most men of rolling over to sleep immediately after a sexual act leaving them feeling dejected.Scientifically, men reach high endorphin levels when having sex and once they ejaculate they get exhausted. But women yearn for tender moments once the lovemaking is over.

Good communication

Good conversation is vital to any healthy relationship. A woman gets turned on talking to his partner and feels important getting his attention. A good talk, telling her how much you love her, reassures her she is still desirable.

Physical  connection

Women crave for non-sexual touching that they say makes them feel loved and wanted. They cherish the joy of cuddling, kissing and even hand-holding.Thus women want their men to realize massaging does wonders to them and should not wait until foreplay.