Street children are street smart. They know how to get money from people.
The tricks they use change from time to time. They can decide to use force or just be civil about it.
Their ultimate goal is to make you dip into your pocket and give them something. They know how to get money even from the stingiest people.
1. Forced kinship
A street boy would approach you as if you are his long lost brother. He will address you like “my bother” or “my father.” He will talk politely and ask you to buy him tea. This humbleness will melt many people’s hearts and before they know it, they have already parted with some cash.
2. Threats
This is the most used trick. A street boy will ambush you and threaten you. He will threaten to rob you if you do not give him some money. He will threaten to call other street boys to come and beat you up if you do not give him money. He will even threaten to smear you with human waste if you do not part with some money. Most of the times, these empty threats tend to work. However, it is important to note that they sometimes make good on their threat. Many people have gone back to their homes with their clothes smeared with human waste.
3. Offer assistance
Another trick that street children use is to give you assistance that you did not ask for. A street kid will see you struggling to park your car and come to assist you. He will stop other vehicles to allow you enough time to reverse and park. After that, he will come for his 'pay' for a work well done. Or when you are coming out of the supermarket, a street boy will offer to push your trolley to the car then ask for pay.
4. Can’t leave, won’t leave
Another common trick used by street kids is refusing to let go of your hand until you give him something. Because you do not want to be seen holding hands with a street kid the whole day, you will be forced to get into your handbag or pocket and fish out a few coins.